Canon Medical Systems Europe joins the group of our technical partners

JMP Medical is excited to announce that Canon Medical Systems Europe has joined our group of our technical partners. One of the first projects completed for Canon Medical were the CT Hybrid with a hydraulic lifting system and the CT Suite – Canon Medical’s CT Rapid Response 2.0. Canon Medical’s CT Rapid Response 2.0 is the successor of the first CT Scan Unit that was developed at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. As CT scanning can play a critical role in emergency situations, this Mobile Imaging Solution is developed to provide quick relief of existing high imaging service demand and to provide scanning capability in places there was none before. – We believe that this is the beginning of a great collaboration that will contribute to improving the health of many patients – said Paweł Weber, Business Director of JMP Medical. Moreover, this Unit is completely worry-free for transport – wherever in Europe our customers are located, you can bring our CT Rapid Response 2.0 anywhere. This Mobile Imaging Solution can be transported by sea, air, train, or road. Placement is safely done by a crane, using the built-in crane eyes. After placement and leveling, the set-up of the system is done in a minimum amount of time to start your imaging service. The imaging experience for both patients and staff is very positive. The CT Rapid Response 2.0 is light and spacious, with enhanced features to provide comfort. LED-lighting and ceiling art provide a calm distraction for patients, after they have changed in an integrated dressing room ensuring their privacy. – We are very happy with the whole product. For the future, for sure we will order new Units at JMP Medical in Poland. New products will be coming up, which we will celebrate with them. I really think they did a good job – said Johan Vochteloo, European Director Mobile Solutions at Canon Medical Systems Europe.      


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