There is no greater endorsement of customer satisfaction than repeat orders!
JMP Medical just released another Relocatable Unit which will expand our partner’s fleet in America. This time the JMP Medical and Resonandina Unit GE Voyager 1.5T is heading the tropical “home of reggae and Blue Mountain Coffee” – Jamaica!
This is a huge step for us, to reach above the Europe and have a possibility to help people around the globe! Our solutions and JMP Medical’s brand get a popularity an increasing number of companies trust us and coming back for more medical units.
We are proud that our hard work turns into a increasing the popularity of Polish products on the global market and that we can participate in popularization of mobile and modular imaging diagnostics laboratories, thanks to which many patients will receive the necessary help. Mobile and fully equipped mobile diagnostic imaging laboratories make them independent laboratories that can be freely relocated.
Our main goal is to increase the availability of diagnostic tools, which will allow for timely response to the patient’s progressive disease. Diagnostic points are usually located in larger cities, effectively making the diagnosis difficult for the elderly, the lonely, the sick and the poor. The limited availability of equipment or even its individual quantities in hospitals and medical facilities means, that the waiting time for the examination is longer and need an additional time for the treatment of diseases and degenerations.
Tym bardziej cieszy nas, że nasza pracownia będzie teraz wspierać pacjentów na Jamajce, która należy do 30% najbiedniejszych krajów świata. Mobilne i kompletnie wyposażone mobilne pracownie diagnostyki obrazowej sprawiają, że są one niezależnymi laboratoriami, które posiadają możliwość dowolnej relokacji.
All the more, we are glad that our medical units will now support patients in Jamaica, which belongs to 30% of the poorest countries in the world.